P-04-577 Reinstate Funding to the Real Opportunities Project


Petition Wording

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to reinstate funding to the Real Opportunities project previously funded by the European Social Fund in Wales, or some new similar project that has the same values as Real Opportunities.  The project is vital to helping 14-19 year olds with a learning disability or autistic spectrum disorder to gain life skills and independence.


Additional Information:

The Real Opportunities project enables 14-19 year olds with a learning disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder to develop skills vital for their transition into a college education as well as enabling them to transition into the world of work and develop basic life skills vital to their independence.  The project has helped over 1700 young adults with learning disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder and has helped train over 1000 peer mentors with the intention of increasing the levels of integration between mainstream school pupils and those in a special needs unit.  The values of this project are vital to these young people who at the start may have little or no awareness of personal hygiene etc and at the end are self aware of their personal hygiene and have completed Agored Cymru qualifications that they would otherwise be unable to do.


Petition raised by:  Aled Davies


Date Petition first considered by Committee: 15 July 2014


Number of signatures:25 – An associated e-petition collected 226 signatures.